Barfoots Senegal is otherwise known as SCL “Société de Cultures Légumières (SCL)” located in the community of Diama, 30km from St Louis in Northern Senegal only a few km’s away from the Mauritanian border.
The local community is at the heart of SCL ethos. With no previous history of industrial employment 10,000 people, who previously had existed by subsistence means only, now have the opportunity to become involved and trained within a horticultural export business. Schools, medical centres and potable water amenities have been constructed by SCL to ensure that the social contract between the tribal villages and the working apparatus of SCL is in balance.
We have been asked to produce their Brand Identity and range of packaging.
Known as ‘The Tree of Life’, the prehistoric – incredible nutrient – baobab tree is an icon of the African savannah: a symbol of growth in a landscape where very little else thrives, nothing could represent better all the work SCL does in Africa.
To bring Barfoots into the equation we have integrated the Barfoots logo to the Baobab tree.
The packaging looked towards its unique African roots, inspired in local patterns and African landscape colours.
The packaging looked towards its unique African roots, inspired in local patterns and African landscape colours.